Your choice in bedding is extremely important for a good night's sleep because comfort is essential to you getting the best sleep possible. Keep these factors in mind when choosing your. Cotton sheets are popular, and for a reason: They are breathable and can absorb 25 percent of their weight in water, so if you sweat at night, cotton sheets can help you feel comfortable. They're also a great option for year-round temperature.
If you've ever woken up uncomfortable because your bed partner stole the sheets, or worse, the fitted sheet slipped off a corner; you know the sheets aren't the right fit. Oversized sheets make it easier to put underneath the mattress and offer plenty of air for the top sheet to breathe.
Some sheets are chemically treated to make them feel softer or smoother, generally because the materials used are inherently uncomfortable. After you've washed your sheets a few times, these chemicals can wash away, leaving you with uncomfortable bed sheets. Look for sheets made of high-quality materials that do not require any comfort treatment, such as sheets made of 100 percent cotton or linen.
Higher thread counts don't always mean you get better sheets. With an 800 thread count, you're probably paying too much for your sheets.
There are many organic cotton sheets on the market, but they are not necessarily better than their traditional counterparts, even if they are more expensive the higher the quality, the better you can sleep well.